My Boyfriend Adam Story

This story is about my boyfriend, so I hope you enjoy what I’m about to say inside this story. 

So, Adam and I have been together for 2 years now and our relationship isn’t the greatest we have battles with each other for a while now. 

Let’s talk about how we met. So, me and Adam, met on this gumtree app where he messages me first for my enquire before I decided to message him back for a ride. I was at this hospital where I was stuck there for months. So, when I message Adam to give me a ride back to my home, he was then super nice and generous and decided to drive all the way from 1-hour north side just to come and get me back to my home, and since I’m from the south side. I asked him to buy me Vietnamese food because I was hungry, so he got me all the food that I wanted. I then thank him so much for it and the food was amazing! We then come back to my place to talk before he left. Before he left, he asked that if that I am single, and I then replied, and said “yes!” And then after we talked, then he just took off from there back home with a Smiley face on his face, that he was in luck for me. πŸ˜‡

The next day, Adam texted me if I wanted to spend lunch with him. My reply was “yes!” And before, he then came to my home. And we went out and to eat before we came back to my home for sex. So, we went to this Italian restaurant for a nice talk, and to have a meal together. But I loved the food there, I remembered, ordering a carbonara pasta, with fettuccine for my pasta base, and it tasted amazing! πŸ˜‹ 

I also remembered, Adam ordering a gourmet pizza, where we both shared it together. And his first experience there, was that he was telling me, how gorgeously, and how beautifully, I looked, and that the way that I dressed, looked so elegant to him. And also, I know how to get to nice places to eat. I was wearing a Leopard dress, with a minimum makeup on that day, and my perfume was Versace Crystal Bright. He also complimented on my perfume too, which I’m surprised. Because it was my favourite one. He said I smelled like an angel. πŸ‘Ό

This was our first date, and it went so well, and I was so happy that how he even engaged in a conversation with me, where we were both into business. From my first impression, with Adam, was that Adam, he was a handsome guy, to be around with, and also, he was nice to talk to at first, and smelled "really nice" from his man's perfume. He seems to be shy, so I then stir up the conversation, and to make him feel at ace, and since I’m a Libra, we are social butterflies. He asked me questions, like where am I from? and what nationality I am? then I replied. That I was from Australia, and my background is, Vietnamese and half Chinese. And then I asked him the same questions. And his replied. Was that he is from Lebanon, and that he moved to Australia 10 years ago. But his nationality is Lebanese, so that is "why" he looked so handsome! Aww, How cute! 😌

After the lunch at the Italian restaurant, Adam then takes me back to my home, where we then talked for an hour straight, before he then turned on some nice sensual music, before we even perform sex. 

Adam started French kissing me at first, where he then grabs his hands to around my boob area, and then started rubbing it slowing in circling motions, and then slide his hands down to my thighs, and kisses it, and then started stripping me off slowly, until I was completely naked. After when I was naked, I then place my hands onto his crutch and rubbed it up and down inside motions, to make his cock hard. And then I stripped him off completely, until we were both naked, then I performed oral on his hard cock. And it tasted so good, that I haven’t had any of that thick cock in ages. πŸ˜‹ 

After performing oral sex on Adam, I then asked him to perform oral sex to my little tight pussy. And this was his first time, going down on a female, so I guess I had to guide him with my ways, on how to get him comfortable around me. So, Adam then bends his head down, and then started licking my clitoris where he didn’t do a bad job at first, where I did tell him the doggy lick technique, where I reached my climax so fast. I was like Ahhh!! Oooo!! Ahhh!! Then, I felted my tight little pussy, that was all wet inside, and I climaxed from his tongue around my pussy. 😝

After reaching climax, I then started lying on Adam, onto my bed, where I then slide his hard cock into my tight little pussy, and it took a bit of time, to even get inside, but I also use lubricant for it as well, to slide it inside my pussy easily. Like it was, Smooth Butter. So, I always used lubricant if my pussy is too tight in any sex with my partner.

After Adam’s hard cock was inside my wet pussy, I then started giggling my body in an up and down motion, where I am riding his hard cock, in a missionary position, and then after switching position to doggy style, where I bend over for him to climax inside my wet pussy, and it felted super warm. But at the same time, I felt a leak inside my pussy. And that, was the, best feeling, ever! 😏

So now, Adam and I, are resting after a half hour of sex that we finish. But we didn’t stop there yet, we kept going until Adam climax 3 times throughout the night. Then Adam had to go off to work the next day, that he did as usual for his business. Ngaww, you are a such a poor baby, and I wished that, you could've stayed back with me longer! πŸ˜”

After several dates with me, going on with Adam, he then wants me to move into his house and wants me to be his girlfriend. Before then, I did tell him I was transgender, and that I had a birth defect, and his respond, and reaction, was completely normal. And said to me. That you are a woman now, and that I’m only into you because you are a beautiful woman, with a beautiful heart. And that made me so happy, and feeling secured, that I know this man really wants to have me into his life. But I did test him that question, and he passed my test. SO, YES! 😍

So now, Adam introduces me to his kids and his ex-wife, which I wasn’t too concerned about as I love kids. But now I’m their stepmother as I first told them, that you're going to have a better stepmom then your other stepmom. And yes! The kids all love me now since I have been so kind and nice to them, and buy them gifts and toys.  πŸ˜Š

Since living with Adam over 2 years, my insecurities were, that he wasn’t making enough to pay for his house bills as he expects me to step in, to help him. And also helping him to run a website for his business. Which I did helped him with it. After been so fed up with him, that one my ex-girlfriend encounter, comes back into my life, and encourages me to breakup with him, which I did so I then packed my bags and left him silently, without him knowing, that I breakup with him. πŸ’”

But Adam, he wasn’t like any other of my ex-partners, that abuse or bashes me till the point, where I was going to die. He was kind, and gentle, and doesn’t like argumentative fights, so I was like the same with him, so we hardly have any fights, often. But I loved Adam, even though it was hard, because I loved the kids too which makes it double hard for me to leave. πŸ˜•

After leaving from Adam’s to my house, I then wrote a song about him called “Because of You” before one month he then texted me and then saying how sorry he was, towards treating me as a boyfriend, and that, he wants me back in his life. Because of how the kids misses me so much, and that was the reason why I even decided to come back with him. Because I was their favourite stepmother, and I wanted them to all grow up to be good kids. But again, I did tell him that day before coming back, that he can’t control my money or make me spend all onto his rent which annoys the hell out of me. But like he understands this. So, like we agreed on some terms and boundaries which I put in place for him. 😊

So, the next day Adam came to see me, where I packed up my belongings at my mom's house to move back with him. Adam then told me his business is going well where he interacts with more customers, and I was impressed where he is getting in life because his life wasn’t so well before I came into his life. Like most things I did was building his home into a sweet home and bought stuff for the home. πŸ˜Š

Adam my boyfriend is an amazing chef, and he makes me happy that I don’t have to cook so much. Adam and I are now back together, and we are happily in peace, and we have plenty of sex and affection throughout our relationship. But one thing Adam doesn’t do, is emotional fulfil me with an emotional connection, but we still working on that, and he expects me to be his fiancΓ© one day which I’m hoping for it to come true. πŸ˜›

On New Years 2022, me and Adam broke up, because I broke up with him for talking to girls on Facebook, which I have found out with my Venus in Scorpio jealously that comes out to play the role when I am very insecure around him with girls. But then I forgive him the next day and we then got back together peacefully. 😊

Now me and Adam, are living a happy family with the kids, and we have a bright future ahead of us. Adam makes me laugh, with his funny sense of humour and he doesn’t like dramas which I’m the same like him. 😌

Adam has been such a supportive Boyfriend, and cares for me. if I was super hungry or tried and he makes me feel like a Queen. And he is also a Cancer zodiac sign and likes to care and is super sensitive and quiet. I loved him to bits, and I will never be leaving him from his shell. I hope this story helps inspires you to see my relationship progress. 😊


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